Here a brief chronological summary of the S. Ubaldo's life:
YEAR 1085- He was born in Gubbio, descendent of a noble family of Gubbio, he was a
young of attractive appearance and of a happy temperament, mild in the
conversation, calm and humble.
YEAR 1114- priestly Ordination
YEAR 1117- Nomination to prior.
YEAR 1119- Trip to Ravenna to acquire a new rule and a more severe new life style.
YEAR 1126- Fire of Gubbio, the Saint encourages the citizens to reconstruct the city.
YEAR 1129- Election to Bishopby Pope Onorio. He had previously the bishopric of Perugia.
YEAR 1125- He meets Frederich Barbarossa.
YEAR 1160- Death of the saint.
YEAR 1192- Canonization.
YEAR 1194- Traslation on the Ingino Mount.
Release of 35 pilgrims in a trip to Jerusalem, captured by Saracens and imprisoned in Rovasia and rescued by the Saint to whom they had addressed.
Many episodes of the life of the Saint are reporten in the glass windows of the Cathedral
dedicated to him on the Ingino Mount which overhangs Gubbio.

Gubbio, S. Ubaldo and the Ingino Mount has also quoted from Dante in the Divine
Comedy (Heaven Canto XI) with the followings verses:
“Between Tupino and the stream that falls
Down from the blest Ubaldo's chosen hill
The slope is green a lofty mount below”.
Every year, on the 15th of May, the vigil of Saint Ubaldo, the FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) is celebrated at Gubbio.
Some scholars would reascend the fest origins in ancient times, some others would reascend it as the CERERE’S CULT but in more recent times, it has been for sure dealing with wax offers which three corporations (commercial, artisan and agricultural ones) have been making to the Saint.
The FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST), similarly to “Palio di Siena”, is one of the most popular feast ever known in Italy. This was the reason why the Umbria Region has placed the three wax of Gubbio onto its coat of arms.
On every May 14th, when the Feast starts with the opening of the Taverne, Gubbio hosts thousands of “Eugubini” (so are called the inhabitants of Gubbio) who once spread worldwide are going back to Gubbio to enjoy their own feast !

The FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) onto an ancient picture
This is the sole feast in Italy which has been developing for centuries, never interrupting, not even during the Great War when the women of Gubbio were the ones to bear the race wax on the Ingino Mountain. It is also the only feast which has ever been authorized by a pope indeed.
Being religious and pagan as well, church wise and pure mystical at the same time, the FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) is so indescribable as somebody should attend it in order to become aware of everything happening there. It is such involving as even the ignorant foreign tourist could find himself running behind the Wax without even knowing why and where is he going...
Within the letter of Celestino the 3rd the Pope, the FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) has been authorized to develop "ilariter" (cheerfully) or even better in a great riotous manner. And this is quite how the things happen there at Gubbio, on the 15th of May !
(To find out more about this particular feast you can log in and
Pagina creata da C. Fanucci
-- La guarigione di 7 spastici provenienti da Arezzo, Città di Castello, Fossombrone ecc.
-- La guarigione di 4 ciechi, 2 uomini e 2 donne
-- Liberazione dal demonio di 12 donne, "una addirittura a metà del viaggio di andata: il diavolo non osò entrare con lei alla presenza di S. Ubaldo!", un'altra , "una certa Teuza, vomitò nel sangue un serpe veramente terrificante..."
-- Guarigione di tre ossessi di Camerino, Ravenna e Runcignano.
-- Guarigione da piaghe di 5 donne, tra cui Berta di Cortona le cui narici brulicavano di vermi.
-- Guarigione da paralisi di 2 uomini e 2 donne.
-- Guarigione dall'epilessia del Priore della chiesa di S. Erasmo (a Gubbio) che soffriva di crisi epilettiche anche 10 volte al giorno...
-- Guarigione di un muto e due sordi e un sordomuto e di un ferito da freccia.
-- Liberazione di sei prigionieri incatenati che furono condotti ognuno fino al suo sepolcro.
-- Soccorso di una nave in alto mare con cessazione di una terribile tempesta dopo le suppliche dei marinai.
-- Liberazione di 35 pellegrini in viaggio per Gerusalemme,
S. Ubaldo (fresco of the 500)
S. Ubaldo in throne (Cathedral of Gubbio)
A Bishop commander
UBALDO BALDASSINI was bishop of Gubbio in the 12° century, the dark years of the Middle Age in which the Communes fought between each other for the supremacy and Gubbio was involved in a bloody war against Perugia, Gualdo Tadino and other 9 bordering towns, all together in an aliance against Gubbio, but the history narrates that Gubbio with his Bishop S. UBALDO as a commander won the war, defeating miracusly all his enemies.
In another historical episode the Bishop of Gubbio defended his people in occasion of the descent in Italy of Frederich Barbarossa, who attacked Gubbio. S.Ubaldo personally went to meet the emperor who became his friend and Gubbio was saved.
The death of the Bishop happened on May th16th 1160, Monday of Whitsun after a long and exhausting illness.
After the solemn funeral rites the holy coffin was deposed in a sarcophagus of marble in the ancient cathedral of Gubbio.
After 32 years, in the 1192, he was canonized and proclaimed Saint from Pope Celestino III and then the uncorrupted Body was transferred in the church to him consecrated built on the Ingino Mount which overhangs the city and placed in an urn of glass.
as reported from Jordano (XII century)
the S. Ubaldo's life has been handed down from two authors, the first is Theobald,
his successor as bishop of Gubbio, in a written work ordered by Frederich Barbarossa, big admirer of Sant'Ubaldo, the second is Jordan,
a prior of Citta' of Castle near Perugia, his friend and contemporary, more spontaneous and
original in his narration, probably written immediately after the death of the Saint and
full of a lot of episodes omitted by Teobaldo.
Who wants to read the original version in Latin and the version translated in
Italian by Don Fanucci Angelo, may acquire the book "LIFE Of S. UBALDO" Famiglie Ceraiole - Gubbio - 1992.
Here a brief chronological summary of the S. Ubaldo's life:
YEAR 1085- He was born in Gubbio, descendent of a noble family of Gubbio, he was a
young of attractive appearance and of a happy temperament, mild in the
conversation, calm and humble.
YEAR 1114- priestly Ordination
YEAR 1117- Nomination to prior.
YEAR 1119- Trip to Ravenna to acquire a new rule and a more severe new life style.
YEAR 1126- Fire of Gubbio, the Saint encourages the citizens to reconstruct the city.
YEAR 1129- Election to Bishopby Pope Onorio. He had previously the bishopric of Perugia.
YEAR 1125- He meets Frederich Barbarossa.
YEAR 1160- Death of the saint.
YEAR 1192- Canonization.
YEAR 1194- Traslation on the Ingino Mount.
As narrated by Giordano, the number of the miracles is so large that
he was not able to write all of them, here the most important:
The recovery of 7 spastic persons coming from Arezzo, Citta' di Castello, Fossombrone etc.
The recovery of 4 blind persons, 2 men and 2 women.
Liberation from the devil of 12 women, "one of her had gone only half of the trip: the devil didn't dare to enter with her due to the presence of S. Ubaldo"!, another, "a certain Teuza, vomited a very appalling snake".
Healing of three mad person of Camerino, Ravenna and Runcignano.
Healing from a plague of 5 women, among them Berta of Cortona whose nostrils were infested with worms.
Healing from paralysis of 2 men and 2 women.
Healing from the epilepsy of the Prior of the church of S. Erasmo (by Gubbio) who was suffering of epilepsy even 10 times a day.
Healing of a mute and two deaf and a and of a man wounded from an arrow.
Liberation of six chained prisoners who were than brought each of the up to his sepulchre.
Rescue of a ship on the sea with the calming of a terrible storm after the supplications of the sailors.
Release of 35 pilgrims in a trip to Jerusalem, captured by Saracens and imprisoned in Rovasia and rescued by the Saint to whom they had addressed.
Many episodes of the life of the Saint are reporten in the glass windows of the Cathedral
dedicated to him on the Ingino Mount which overhangs Gubbio.
Gubbio, S. Ubaldo and the Ingino Mount has also quoted from Dante in the Divine
Comedy (Heaven Canto XI) with the followings verses:
“Between Tupino and the stream that falls
Down from the blest Ubaldo's chosen hill
The slope is green a lofty mount below”.
Every year, on the 15th of May, the vigil of Saint Ubaldo, the FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) is celebrated at Gubbio.
Some scholars would reascend the fest origins in ancient times, some others would reascend it as the CERERE’S CULT but in more recent times. It has been for sure dealing with wax offers which three corporations (commercial, artisan and agricultural ones) have been making to the Saint.
The FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST), similarly to “Palio di Siena”, is one of the most popular feast ever known in Italy. This was the reason why the Umbria Region has placed the three wax of Gubbio onto its coat of arms.
On every May 14th, when the Feast starts with the opening of the Taverne, Gubbio hosts thousands of “Eugubini” (so are called the inhabitants of Gubbio) who once spread worldwide are going back to Gubbio to enjoy their own feast !
The FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) onto an ancient picture
This is the sole feast in Italy which has been developing for centuries, never interrupting, not even during the Great War when the women of Gubbio were the ones to bear the race wax on the Ingino Mountain. It is also the only feast which has ever been authorized by a pope indeed. Being religious and pagan as well, church wise and pure mystical at the same time, the FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) is so indescribable as somebody should attend it in order to become aware of everything happening there. It is such involving as even the ignorant foreign tourist could find himself running behind the Wax without even knowing why and where is he going...
Within the letter of Celestino the 3rd the Pope, the FESTA DEI CERI (WAX FEAST) has been authorized to develop "cheerfully" or even better in a great riotous manner. And this is quite how the things happen there at Gubbio, on the 15th of May !
(To find out more about this particular feast you can log in and