The English version was drawn out by Lucia Dorina Patriche, to whom go all our thanks.


As the introduction already mentioned, it seems that the origin of the Umbrian FANUCCI would be CAMPITELLO, a little fraction of the village of Scheggia-Pascelupo (PG) situated only 12 km far from Gubbio.


Cristiano Fanucci

My name is Cristiano Fanucci and I was born at Gubbio in 1944. My father, Federico, born at Campitello in 1915, used to tell me that in 1944 during his staying to uncle Don Carlo Braccini he had found within the Gubbio Bishop's Archives the written will of a noble citizen of Gubbio who was called Fanucci and who dieing extremely rich around 1700 he had left his entire wealth to his sons.
Thus, the first of his sons was inherited the flourishing wool trade in Gubbio while to the other one he had left the farms of Campetella. No doubt there was the same Campitello, especially considering that name is still used by the local dialectal language.
Nevertheless any trace of that written will was lost and even its own existence seemed almost a fairy story, in October 2004, by the providential help of my uncle, Don Ubaldo Braccini, Bishop's Chancellor, and also of the archive researcher, Mr. Fabrizio Cece, we jointly succeeded to finally find among the old documents of the Bishop's Archive at Gubbio the original notary act dated September 1st, 1734.
It deals with a private writing authenticated by the notary and reporting with regards to the division of the possessions belonging to the Eugubian noble namely Francesco-Maria Fanucci, who had been married the noble Francesca Andreoli and who had inherited his sons, Federico, Felippo and Girolamo in 1721 after his death.
Among the assets to be divided there were 10 farm lands situated both at Padule and in other villages around Gubbio and "two farms in the town of Campetella on the territory of Schieggia, evaluated up to scuds 900". Moreover, a house nearby Madonna degli Angeli in the district of San Pietro and another one on the Orto’s lane, the shop of wool arts and finally a listing of goods among which: a silver cutlery bearing the Fanucci house sign, 213 paintings, 10 canopy beds, lots of jewellery and silverware, numerous tables, chairs, chests, box seats, horses and carriages, as well as 30 barrels of wine, totalising more than 46 pages…!

Obviously in 1700 the Fanuccis of Gubbio were rich nobles related with Andreolis (the family of the famous Eugubian ceramist called Mastro Giorgio). You may find herewith some pages in original and a summary of the entire document.


With the same regard to Fanuccis of Gubbio, in July 2005, the researcher Fabrizio Cece has investigated and transcribed 12 registers of the baptisms of Saint Giovanni Battista’s Parish at Gubbio which flows from 1715 to 1869, as well as the religious census or the so-called “state of the souls” within the parishes of Gubbio, out of which we herewith show some.


Examining the registers and also the state of the souls we can notice that in 1700 at Gubbio there were two families but even these were coming from Scheggia as we will see further on.
One is that consisting of the three sons of the noble Francesco Maria we already know (Federico, Felippo and Girolamo) and that despite the act of inheritance division, they keep on living together. The other one is that of Mr.Matteo, the notary, who married the notary Faramelli’s daughter and who between 1715 and 1733 has had 9 children.
But in a few years these two families have disappeared.
Becoming a clergyman, Felippo leaves no heirs.
The illustrious Federico (the first child of Francesco-Maria) married the illustrious Francesca Massarelli and in 1725 they have a son, Francesco Maria (Checco). But this also becomes a clergyman, as his uncle did, dies at his 34 years of age leaving no heirs.
The illustrious Girolamo, clergyman, married the illustrious Francesca Barbara Pecci and they have 10 children during 1739 and 1754. (The first male child, Pompeo, was baptized with great pomp in the Bishop Chapel.)
Unfortunately, Pompeo and Rinaldo died in their early childhood, Gregorie became a priest and then canonized, and Antonio had only two female children. Therefore, in 1798, in Fanuccis’s house in the Madonna degli Angeli street there were only Antonio Fanucci and his wife, Chiara. (The noble titles had been abloshed in 1797.)
The notary Matteo had 5 male children, but some died very young and the others don't seem to have had any child at least at Gubbio.
It finally results that a certain man called Joseph Fanucci belonged to the first Eugubian Junta which was formed after the arrival of the Cisalpine and French troops on December 31st 1797.
Other Fanuccis appear at Gubbio in 1800 (Giovanni, Angelo, Piergirolamo) but they are not relatives of those of 1700. At present, all the few Fanuccis of Gubbio originate from Campitello.
Many Fanuccis of Perugia, of Rome, of Turin, and probably those of Marche too, some of whom remember well enough of having their ancestors originating from Umbria, have their origins in Campitello.

The presence of the Fanuccis at Campitello and Scheggia resulted from the last searches carried out on the registers of the Parish of Saint Patrignano at Scheggia can make us go backwards in September 17th, 1575, with the birth of Giulio Fanucci (who, as we have seen, will go to perform the religious service at Scheggia in 1602), while the first dead Fanucci results to be, on February 8th, 1634, Marinus Fanutius from Villa Campetella at his 80 years of age, having been born therefore in 1554, probably not at Campitello. For any further information you can consult the registers. Click here below:


Another very interesting document, that is contained in Prof. Bruno Cenni’ book, The Saint Antonio’s May to Fossara Island and the Wax Feasts of Gubbio, folkloric archaeological anthropology, 1987, pg. 100,   confirms the presence of the Fanuccis at Campitello in 1594. If you would like to find out more, please see the following information.


We have reconstructed the genealogy of the families Fanucci of Campitello. About 150 years ago, in the various groups of houses of the country there were:

  • CASE ALTE: Albertino ( b.1848) - Basilio ( b.1857) - Simone ( b.1865) - Giuseppe ( b.1829)
  • CASALVENTO: Domenico ( b.1822)
  • CASTELLACCIO: Giovanbattista ( b.1842) - Giuseppe (Peppone)( b.1872?) - Giuseppe (Pepperignolo)( b. ?) - Valentino( b.1849)
  • BALDELLI: Pietro (b.?)- Giuseppe( b.1852) - Carlo ( b.1848)
  • CALCINARO: Ubaldo (Focacetto) ( b.1854)
  • CORNIOLA: Ubaldo ( b.1858)
  • PEZZA: Giovanni (b. ?)
  • SCHEGGIA: Giuseppe (Peppone) (b. ?) – Angelo (b. ?)

    They are our trisavolis (grand-grand-grandfathers), and almost all the actual Umbrian families derive from. Who is interested in completing the genealogy of the Campitellesi families can Click here below


    Moreover, in February 2005, my friend, Fabrizio Cece, an archive researcher and my uncle, Don Ubaldo, have found within the Bishop Archive of Gubbio the "state of the souls of the parish of Campitello", a very interesting document, drawn out by the priest of Campitello, that brings all the resident families in the country up the the year of 1897. An extract of such a document regarding only the Fanuccis, 98 people of 251 inhabitants, can be consulted only Click here under. As soon as possible we will publish also the older ‘states of the souls’ which go back in time even to 1700.


    To read an interesting article on Campitello written by Euro Puletti, Click here:
    An ancient castle at Campitello of Scheggia ?

  • Here is a PHOTO of the HOUSE SIGN of the UMBRIAN FANUCCIS
    (Made available herewith by the considerable kindness of Dr. Aleandro Fanucci – Bologna)


    Here is a PHOTO of CAMPITELLO shot from Monte Rave


    Situated in the province of Perugia. Altitude: 580 m. Area: 63.95 Inhabitants: 1,521 persons. Inhabitants’ name: Scheggiesians (Italian scheggiesi). Postal Zip 06027. Telephone code number: 075.
    It is situated on via Flaminia, the ancient consular road which used to connect Rome and Rimini and which was built by Caio Flaminio, the Roman consul, around 200 b.C.
    The Roman name was “statio ad Hensem” and it was to be found on Sentino river nearby the Apennines crossing road where a notorious temple dedicated to Giove Pennino was raised. In spite of being completely destroyed, numerous archaeological evidences such as epigraphs, funeral columns and arches, burial places can be noticed around and are still discovered even today.
    The mostly mountainous territory of the village is wholly included within the Natural Regional Park of Monte Cucco (1566 m. high). The suggestive more or less narrow valleys of pure water, the healthy air or other corners where the nature is still intact represent the ideal goals for the tourists who can benefit of a lot of routes and paths leading them to wonderful landscapes really worthy to be admired.

     Parco i faggi  Parco fiori  Parco cascate

    To visit the website dedicated to the Regional Park of Monte Cucco, Click here:
    Another interesting site regarding the caves of Monte Cucco is

    To read an interesting article on Costacciaro, Scheggia and Pascelupo written by Euro Puletti, Click here: The ten towers and the four doors.

    There are absolutely to visit in the neighbourhoood the abbey of Saint Maria of Sitria (Sec.XI), the hermitage of St. Girolamo of Pascelupo and the hermitage of Saint Emiliano in Congiuntoli, founded by Saint Romualdo in sec. XI, and above all the famous abbey of Fonte Avellana at the feet of Monte Catria (sec.X) where even the famous poet Dante Alighieri himself has stayed too.

     Hermitage of Congiuntoli Sentino Abbey of Fonte Avellana

    The inner artistic wooden Crucifix dated 1500 a.C. makes the Sanctuary of Monte Calvario (XVII) extremely interesting, springing from the homonymous hill rising above Scheggia and seems to have remained the main goal of the pilgrimages in the area.

    From Rome via Flaminia up to the km 220. Or A1 up to Orte, E45 up to Perugia; from Perugia E45 there is to be followed up to the way out from Valfabbrica. After following the road for Gualdo Tadino and entering Flaminia there is to arrive at Scheggia. Having a way out for Gubbio, the E45 from Cesena is also advisable for somebody coming from the North.
    Railway line ROME - ANCONA - Station of Fossato di Vico - Gubbio.


    CAMPITELLO - the second Sunday of June: The Festival of the spignolo (The most delicious but expensive of the spring plumy mushrooms) – August 15th: The Feast of Mary’s Assumption.
    COLDIPECCIO - the first Sunday of August: The Festival of the watermelon.
    ISOLA FOSSARA - June 13th: Saint Antonio’s May
    MONTEFIUME - the second Sunday of August: The Feast of Madonna del Carmelo.
    PASCELUPO - the first Sunday of June: The Spring Feast.
    PONTE CALCARA the last Sunday of April: The Feast of Madonna del Buon Consiglio.
    SCHEGGIA - the second Sunday of August: The Feast of August holiday potato dumplings and the Golden cricket, a festival for the singing children – September 8th: The Race of the bighe (i.e., the Roman small carriages)

    EL PASO (restaurant-pizzeria) - Scheggia - Via Roma - Telephone (0039) 075/9259153
    DA NENA - (family restaurant) Locality: Valdorbia 1 - Telephone (0039) 075/9250133
    IL TEMPIO DI GIOVE APPENNINO (restaurant-pizzeria) - Locality: Tre Fossi - Telephone (0039) 075/9259016
    LA PINETA (restaurant-hotel) - Locality: Monte Calvario – Telephone (0039) 075/9259142 - Fax (0039) 075/9259148
    L'ISOLETTA - Locality: Isola Fossara – Telephone (0039) 075/9250133
    SOLE E LUNA (pizzeria-pub) - Locality: Costa S.Savino – Telephone (0039) 075/9170778

    Here is a photo of SCHEGGIA.


    Here is a photo of PEZZA seen from Campitello.


    GUBBIO is famous all over the world and the internet can facilitate anybody to find the formal website of GUBBIO city. But if you like to visit my site regarding Gubbio and Saint Ubaldo, the Bishop and protector of Gubbio, Click here below:


    The internet can be used in order to find all the addresses and telephone numbers of all the Fanuccis in a region. Virgilio is the name of the Italian searching motor which makes available the White Pages PAGINE BIANCHE, that is practically a telephone listing via internet.
    To find all the addresses it would be enough to fill in a province or a town and the desired name. There should be however taken into account that not all the Fanuccis are listed and that in some cases it happened that the name has been mistakenly written as Fannucci (i.e., doubled 'n').

    Here is the TELEPHONE LIST of all
    FANUCCIs of the village of SCHEGGIA
    FANUCCIs of the province of PERUGIA
    FANUCCIs of the region of UMBRIA

    To enjoy a sightseeing from above of UMBRIA, SCHEGGIA and CAMPITELLO,
    Click here below

    I look forward for any kind of further information or news concerning the Fanuccis worldwide.
    On this purpose, I hereby invite any acquainting person to write me on this issue on the address below:
    Fanucci Cristiano via V. Veneto, 14 - 40050 Villanova di Castenaso (BO)
    Telephone (0039) 051 781576